AT&T Strikes Out With Outages
Note: This will not be an opinionated post but rather an informative post. AT&T has become a hot topic for many people for a while now. Data breach, no 911 phone calls, internet outages and now cellphone outages. Internet outages and cellphone outages are still taking place. Customers are unhappy not only with the outages but also that AT&T failed to disclose that information to them, according to social media. According to various articles, AT&T Technicians are on strike for wage increases and benefits. I’m uncertain if there are additional reasons. It is to my understanding that the AT&T strike is ongoing with no estimated end time. Some websites, including…
My Favorite Face/Makeup Primers
This is going to be a quick post for Tip Tuesday… think of X/Twitter but with more characters allowed! Currently working on a laptop with a monitor hanging from its hinge and it’s metal guts spilling out. The monitor screen is also going in and out (Yay!). Might be MIA next week if this laptop dies and the new one doesn’t arrive on time. Diving in real quick before the monitor goes (Hah! Ugh.). Makeup primers of all kinds are a huge seller. Not all makeup primers work equally the same, especially when dealing with skin issues and sensitive skin in general. I’ve tried few different ones but only found…
Momma J’s Favorite Skincare Products
Last week we talked about how to line your upper eye waterline with eyeliner without taking your eye out. This week we are going to take a look at something a bit more gentle. Momma J’s favorite skincare products! My Instagram Followers love Momma J’s undeniable sass and annoyance toward me. However, she’s on point with her moisturizers. She isn’t a 100% skincare junkie but she’s stern about what she does use and won’t switch to anything else. Most of the products she uses are holy grail products in her skincare arsenal. Also, for the sensitive skin squad, I have tried some of the products she uses and they didn’t irritate my sensitive skin (knock on…
Eyeliner Hack
Welcome to Tip Tuesday for the month of February! Posts on Tuesdays throughout the month of February will be on all things skincare and makeup related. First tip of the month is introducing a hack to line the upper waterline of your eye. Sensitive eyes are bad enough when it comes to lining them. Shoving an eyeliner pencil next to your eye in hopes of not jabbing your eye out when you’re half asleep and in a rush for work… Priceless. I’ve done this with eyeliner pencils and mascara wands! Stars were seen and water puddled in my eyes. Fortunately, nothing devastating happened. There is a simple hack for lining…
New Year, New Posts
The blog is going to be getting a revamp, starting with posts. So, for the next couple of months there will be a series of different types of posts to see what does better (Thanks Anjali! Lol). February is the month for Valentines. Ironically, drinking out of a pink and purple cup (Thanks Work Mom, Sally!) while typing this. I don’t get into the holiday much but watching people scramble last minute for flowers and candy can be highly entertaining! Plus… discount chocolate day is a win… enough said! Not Another Valentine’s Day Post! So, what’s happening on the blog in February? There will be a series of makeup and…
Goodbye 2023
New Year’s Eve is here and 2023 is coming to an end. December flew by in the blink of an eye. A couple of my friends and I were talking about how 2023 woke us up and in 2024 we hope to do things differently. Did 2023 change you? What do you hope for in the New Year? I’m currently getting lost in the past with my Dad’s Spotify playlist. It’s amazing how something such as music or writing can effect us so much, words in song and words on physical paper or digital paper. Don’t go around tonightWell, it’s bound to take your lifeThere’s a bad moon on the…
Hashimoto’s Reality
Hypothyroidism is no joke. It needs to be treated as soon as possible before it gets out of hand. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in my 20s. Fast forward to my 30s, hashimoto’s disease has now been disagnosed due to high TPO Antibodies. I was never checked for hashimoto’s until recently so I don’t know how long it’s been having a party in this body. Getting blood tests done and having a feeling of knowing that something is wrong is bad enough. Finding out that your own body is attacking its self is earth shattering. The day I got my results I understood why so many people have emotional breakdowns…
Bald Is Beautiful: A Letter For a Fabulous Girl
So, Bookworms… I have something different for you today. Most of my book reviews have been Adult, YA, and NA in various fictional genres. Today we will be venturing into a children’s picture book! Bald Is Beautiful: A Letter For a Fabulous Girl is written by Carola Schmidt and illustrated by Dian Ovieta. It gives support to little girls who are going or already have gone bald due to illness, genetics, etc. It’s a love letter of support in the simplest forms of a picture book. It doesn’t hit you with words that are hard to understand but rather uplifts you into understanding you aren’t any different from anyone else…
Bed of Roses Author Meet
Much later at posting this than intended but I’ve been in hardcore study mode… It has been a never ending heatwave with unbearable temps but it finally included a not so hot breeze. And a shopping trip out of town with my Mother included a stop at Books-A-Million. Win! The current book haul from Books-A-Million was a very special one as it included meeting an author and getting a book signed! A Bed of Roses by Ann Marie Jameson is the first book in the Willow Rose series. The series and the author are new to me. The description alone makes me want to see this become a Lifetime movie.…
Stand Up To Cancer’s August Streaming Event
First time posting in a long while… If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter/X then you know I wanted to take part in Stand Up To Cancer’s (SU2C) big streaming event in August but my internet service failed me. For those of you that don’t already know, the streaming event for SU2C is held each year in August. Gamers of all kinds come together with the same goals in mind. To stand up to cancer, to stand for up those affected by cancer, and to raise funds for cancer research! Who do you stand up for? Stand Up To Cancer’s mission is to get new treatments to patients faster.…